Monday, September 5, 2016

Strong Mama Strong Kids

Strong mama Strong kids

In my last post I wrote last week, I talked about the importance of speaking words of life over your children. Today I want to talk about being a strong mama.

When we take care of ourselves as moms, mentally, physically and spiritually we are able to be healthy strong moms for our kids. It’s important that we take care of our health in our diet, but it goes so much more beyond that. Just as we speak those words of life over our children we need to speak those same words over ourselves. Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, Your life will start to change.

 Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

When you take the time everyday to speak over yourself, your day, your children and your family, its amazing how those negative thoughts and attitudes can leave you. When you start believing the words God has said of you, you become more confident and stronger in all areas of your life. When you become strong in yourself it makes it possible to be able to help raise strong confident sons and daughters. It’s a daily decision that we need to make to renew our minds with our thoughts.

I want Promise (my 2 month old daughter) to grow up knowing what it looks like to be a strong confident woman. I want a daughter to grow up striving to accomplish all her dreams without looking back and wondering what if. I prayed daily and still do for my daughter since before she was born, she makes me strive to be a better person, so that I can be all that I can be. When she sees a mom that doesn’t give up on her dreams, I then pray she knows to never give up on the dreams God has placed inside of her.

My daughter is an answer to prayer that I will never take for granted. We should never take a day or moment of our kids lives for granted but also take that time for ourselves to be the one they can turn to for a strong healthy role model in this crazy life.

Always remember you are braver than you believe. Stronger than you seem. Smarter than you think and twice as beautiful as you’d ever imagined.

Its a new Year, new Day, new Season, make it fresh and create new goals today to conquer this year.

1 comment:

  1. Strong Dads too!!! A strong unit creates a strong product. doesn't matter how families are shaped. remember to take care ourselves and that will give us strength to take care of those little's right?!?!?!
