The true genuine smile my daughter gives is a reminder that I am loved. She loves me unconditionally. Even more so God loves me with with such a unique love. In this rocky season of change and ups and downs, he has used Promise to show and remind me that I am loved. Just as I let Promise know every minute of everyday that she is loved.
We are uniquely loved because we were uniquely created. Marvelously loved one , there is absolutely nothing accidental about you. Your eternal father is the only one who has the right to define you. What you have and what you do and who surrounds you can change, but it is vitally important that you never loose who you are and the creator to whom you belong. You are a unique expression of Gods love to others.
In these tougher seasons, when everything is coming at you and you are giving it all out, we need to remember to take that time to turn to God so that He can remind us that those are all lies. We are loved, we are enough. Our Heavenly Father loves us and thinks that we are more than enough. If we live by our feelings alone, they will lie to us and it will not be long before we are led astray. The truth is you are loved, no matter what the words are coming at you. On a daily bases I need to turn to him so that I can have my cup filled up, especially when I am feeling empty, even if its just listening to his Word or listening to worship. There is no greater way to bring out what is unique in you than to pursue God.
God is love, and I am Loved and I can Love
He is Life, and I am Alive
He is Able, so I am Capable
The bible doesn’t say we will never have ups and downs, but it matters what we do in those moments. Jesus says he will never leave us no forsake us. He is going to give us a sense of Joy.
That beautiful smile that she gives me first thing every morning is a gift from God.