Saturday, June 20, 2015


When you are a little girl, at least I know for me you dream of the day you get to be that beautiful bride. To be that princess for the day. To be like the beautiful Disney princesses we grew up watching or even Barbie as we dressed her up. When you go to  a wedding everyone looks forward to seeing the bride for the first time.  I remember even planning my own wedding it was a western theme but I was the princess, it was my moment to feel and be dressed like a princess, I had a tiara and everything. 

What we need to know is that we are already royalty we are princes and princesses of an almighty King. We are children of God. You are a son/daughter of the King of Kings, the creator of the universe. You are highly thought of. You need to remember you may have herd the words from parents or someone that you aren't planned or were a mistake. Well guess what the creator of the universe He planned you. He made you with a purpose and a destiny, and he doesn't make mistakes. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

We have all looked in the mirror at some point and not like what we see, or wish God did something different. Well you need to know when we think that we are insulting Gods work. We are made in the image of God, and God doesn't make junk. You are Gods original masterpiece. You have nothing to prove because you are already approved by God. It's not that you are no longer dirty as you stand before God.  What He did on our behalf does not make us spiritual neutral. Rather, He has made us righteous, and attractive. Those who cling to Jesus are beautiful to him. 

Isaiah 61:10
I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall exalt in my God, for he has clothed me with garnets of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bride groom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. 
He makes us beautiful, even comparing us to a bride on her wedding day. Let this sink in: God uses that picture to describe how attractive we are to him. Even on that day you feel like there is nothing attractive about you, you have a Heavenly Father who still thinks highly of you and thinks your are attractive. He made us that beautiful. It's hard to imagine the creator of the universe looking at us with that kind of fondness. Some of us are over joyed just to know that he doesn't hate us! So it's a real struggle to believe that we are stunningly beautiful to Him. It's nothing we did, Jesus took away all of our ugliness at the cross. Once Jesus wiped away sin by dying on the cross for us then our "ugliness" went with it. When we believe and let it in our hearts all that God has called us and has for us, all that beauty and Joy shines right through us. Heavens beauty is a beauty like no other. When we have the Joy of the Lord, heavens Joy is an unexplainable Joy.  
It really opened my eyes when pastor Francis Chan, related sin to ugly.  In Song of Songs 4:7 is states that we are beautiful and that there is no flaw in you. Let that one sink in that the word of God sees you as beautiful and flawless and Jesus dying on the cross made sure of that. 

Your primary source of affection and attention should be God, and your sense of belonging should come from him. As we become familiar with the truth of God, we are able to identify the lies of the enemy. It is important that every believer be able to identify the real thing when it comes to the promises of God and what he says about his children. One of the highest priorities is to be led by what God says about me above everything else 

You are Beautiful, You are His Masterpiece, You are His Workmanship, You are Unique, You are Royalty, You are Worth more than Silver and Gold, You are More than the Clothes and Makeup you wear. Be nobody but YOU, the YOU God Created YOU to Be!

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