I know it has been a couple months since the last blog post. I had an accident in the summer where I shattered my elbow.
Well now to my post of something that has been on my heart.
I have been thinking about this statement "I will pray for you". I have been thinking about how many people when they say these words actually take the minute to pray? Or is it just that it has become the right thing to say to people or situations. When someone is hurt, ill, wants to pass an exam....
Will you actually take that moment to pray for them.
How many of you have put those thoughts or negative comments in to your prayers. Let's turn our complaints into action packed prayers.
With all that is going on in Paris and around the world and the hashtag #Pray4Paris started trending. How many of us stopped to pray when we tweeted or retweeeted?
God called us to prayer, and called us to be people of our word.
Word Give, Word Kept.
Bring action to our faith.
We are to be the light of the world, not just say what's right or follow what's trending but doers of the word. Being light in the world is about showing people how to live with Jesus as King.
Matthew 18:20
For where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.
If we were all to stop with God fearing pursuit, full faith no doubt pray for what's going on in the world, pray for our enemies and love our neighbours; just imagine what God can do.
Light outweighs the Darkness!
Let's be the radical prayer warriors we were called to be, the light of the world. Take that moment to mean the words we say or type and pray for those around us before it becomes empty words with no meaning.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Sunday, July 19, 2015
God created us to partner and live with him. He empowers us so much when we allow ourselves to be adopted into his kingdom. He created us to live in community. You are a Princess in Gods Kingdom.
A quote from Ps. Brian Houston:
A quote from Ps. Brian Houston:
" There is no "I" in Team - There's no "My" in partnership - There's no "me" in unity- There's no "mine" in ours.
We need to be unified as the of body of christ in order to function properly. We were created to be in community with God and with others. He has reached out to us that we might know who were are and whose we are.
You were bought at a price at the cross. You belong to the one who created you. He moved heaven and earth to make known to you this steadfast truth :
You Are Wanted
Community defined: is often people who have a common cultural and historical heritage.
God is our heritage! Nothing has changed about God or his word. Jesus calls you friend and the he will be with you to the end of the earth. God blesses us with friends and family to walk life together. We were created from community. We thrive in community. We have to open our eyes to see it. God wants to spend time with you, just as you spend time on Facebook, or with friends and family. He wants to be your number 1 choice. God wants to spend time with you, he wants you to talk with him about your struggles. Choose God to vent to over social media. He wants to rejoice when you do; and rejoice with you! He wants all of you. God is crazy about you. He created you.
John 15:15
I have called you friends - Jesus
We have this longing to feel wanted, that's why it hurts so much when someone rejects us. We seek to have the most Facebook friends (are they really all your friends), most Instagram and Twitter followers. When really all this time God has been seeking us, he wants to have a relationship with you. We were created to be in a dependent relationship with God and to rely on him for everything.
We have been called out of this world and its value system and invited to live in community in God's eternal kingdom.
John 17:23
I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me!
We were created to live unified in community of the body of christ in his Kingdom. We are wanted by God. Community is beautiful, and everyone needs it, without community we will sink. The only way to have true community is to be transparent, to encourage, listen, pray for and speak truth to. You aren't meant to do life alone; community is God's idea, and he wants that for you too. A place to be set apart for him yet belong to others. God is faithful if you pray and ask God he will bring the right people in your life.
Monday, July 13, 2015
We can't take what God has done in us and Empower the world until we start within. We must Empower "our" world and our sphere of influence, then take that from there with God we then can Empower the world.
The definition of Empower:
* to give someone the authority or power to do something
* make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming rights
- movements to Empower the poor
God has Empowered you with His Love, Mercy and Grace.
His Love releases Power!
Proverbs 31:25
She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future!
When He alone is our anchor, we are Empowered with His power and authority,
Those who trust in the Lord will be joyful.
If we allow God to come and Empower us with Love and Mercy, we will be able to see change in our circumstances, our marriage, our jobs, our homes, schools and the list could go on. There is so much power and strength we can draw from the cross. God wants to empower us with his Joy, Love and Strength. When we walk in our destiny with God in what He has empowered us with we can move mountains everywhere we Go!
When we seek first His Kingdom and Righteousness, we can see marriages restored, generations restored, government restored, families restored. When we seek Him, He Empowers us with confidence and unexplainable heavenly JOY!
Proverbs 21:21
Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness, and honour.
When we pursue Him first above all else He will give us a the power to be have the confidence in ourselves, we will be empowered to have influence in "our" own worlds.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Dream Big
Dream Big
Never give up on your dreams and goals. God put them in your heart for a reason. Never let anyone put down your dreams as well. Make some mini attainable goals to help reach your goals.
Goal: is a desired result a person, a system envisions, palms and commits to achieve a personal or organizational desired end point. Many people endeavour to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.
A goal can be long term or short term.
Dream: images, thoughts or emotions passing through the mind during sleep or an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.
When I was younger focusing on my relationship with God and my dreams is what got me through. In grades 7 and 8 I was bullied a lot. I would pray every night that God would give me friends and also for a new school. I did get to go to a different high school than the kids I went to school with and I can honestly say God put some great role models in my life in those though years, and I now have some amazing friends I can count on.
Over the years I never gave up praying or gave up on my dreams! The devil will put obstacles in your way for you to give up. But whatever the dream it won't be denied. Don't stop till it comes to pass. In those tough years I discovered something that I enjoyed that was all my own. That was my love for horses. If I didn't go through that who knows what I would have discovered. God always has a plan. I've met some amazing people since entering the world of horses. With giving my dreams over to God and having the faith, I am now a horse owner at 25 years old. Don't get nervous about handing your dream over to God.
God really does care about the things that matter to us. Our dreams are important to him. Always pray and dream new big dreams. Something that will stretch your faith. Without a dream, you miss out on the adventure of trusting God and giving your faith a chance to work.
John 5:14-15
This is the confidence we have approaching God; that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him.
The world is full of haters, disappointments and mistakes, but don't let these things keep us from going after our dreams or from reaching our potential. Sometimes people say or do mean things to us and sometimes circumstances just don't go our way, but we have to push those things aside and keep pushing forward.
I believe God made us to be creative and innovative. - Christine Caine
Proverbs 31:25
She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.
You were born to stand out and be a leader and not a follower. We have Christ in us. We were not meant to be on the side lines just pleasing people. We were designed to please God our creator. God put our dreams in our hearts. He knows our every desire. When we please man we stretch ourselves thin. People pleasing robs us of our Joy and has us wanting what others want; and we then are blinded with what god has blessed us with.
Proverbs 29:5
To flatter friends is to lay a trap for their feet.
God has so much planned for us beyond our wildest dreams.
Never stop dreaming big. Our dreams is another way God communicates with us. You don't have a dream that is too small or too big for God. You are a daughter of king, who loves you very much. You are in the same blood line as the creator of the universe. He is the ultimate artist and the ultimate dreamer. So it's time to wake up from our slump, and start dreaming big again.
Let's go beyond the Facebook and Instagram goals and posts we see everyday, let's step out bold in faith.
Queen Esther in the bible saved her people and she was young when she became queen. David was just a young boy tending to his sheep when he stepped out in faith. Everyone doubted him, and he brought the war to and end and slayed the giant with three stones and a sling shot. Joseph in the bible had dreams from God all the time and his brothers doubted him and he didn't let that stop him.
You are never too young or to old, don't let the nah sayers bring doubt into your heart.
If we step out in faith, God will lead the way.
Why wish upon a star when you can pray to the one who created them. He created the heavens and the earth, he has so much more in store for you.
What are your hidden dreams?
Only real champions (win or loose) and people of character and strength keep going past the point of wanting to give up.
Never give up on your dreams and goals. God put them in your heart for a reason. Never let anyone put down your dreams as well. Make some mini attainable goals to help reach your goals.
Goal: is a desired result a person, a system envisions, palms and commits to achieve a personal or organizational desired end point. Many people endeavour to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.
A goal can be long term or short term.
Dream: images, thoughts or emotions passing through the mind during sleep or an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.
When I was younger focusing on my relationship with God and my dreams is what got me through. In grades 7 and 8 I was bullied a lot. I would pray every night that God would give me friends and also for a new school. I did get to go to a different high school than the kids I went to school with and I can honestly say God put some great role models in my life in those though years, and I now have some amazing friends I can count on.
Over the years I never gave up praying or gave up on my dreams! The devil will put obstacles in your way for you to give up. But whatever the dream it won't be denied. Don't stop till it comes to pass. In those tough years I discovered something that I enjoyed that was all my own. That was my love for horses. If I didn't go through that who knows what I would have discovered. God always has a plan. I've met some amazing people since entering the world of horses. With giving my dreams over to God and having the faith, I am now a horse owner at 25 years old. Don't get nervous about handing your dream over to God.
God really does care about the things that matter to us. Our dreams are important to him. Always pray and dream new big dreams. Something that will stretch your faith. Without a dream, you miss out on the adventure of trusting God and giving your faith a chance to work.
John 5:14-15
This is the confidence we have approaching God; that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him.
The world is full of haters, disappointments and mistakes, but don't let these things keep us from going after our dreams or from reaching our potential. Sometimes people say or do mean things to us and sometimes circumstances just don't go our way, but we have to push those things aside and keep pushing forward.
I believe God made us to be creative and innovative. - Christine Caine
Proverbs 31:25
She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.
You were born to stand out and be a leader and not a follower. We have Christ in us. We were not meant to be on the side lines just pleasing people. We were designed to please God our creator. God put our dreams in our hearts. He knows our every desire. When we please man we stretch ourselves thin. People pleasing robs us of our Joy and has us wanting what others want; and we then are blinded with what god has blessed us with.
Proverbs 29:5
To flatter friends is to lay a trap for their feet.
God has so much planned for us beyond our wildest dreams.
Never stop dreaming big. Our dreams is another way God communicates with us. You don't have a dream that is too small or too big for God. You are a daughter of king, who loves you very much. You are in the same blood line as the creator of the universe. He is the ultimate artist and the ultimate dreamer. So it's time to wake up from our slump, and start dreaming big again.
Let's go beyond the Facebook and Instagram goals and posts we see everyday, let's step out bold in faith.
Queen Esther in the bible saved her people and she was young when she became queen. David was just a young boy tending to his sheep when he stepped out in faith. Everyone doubted him, and he brought the war to and end and slayed the giant with three stones and a sling shot. Joseph in the bible had dreams from God all the time and his brothers doubted him and he didn't let that stop him.
You are never too young or to old, don't let the nah sayers bring doubt into your heart.
If we step out in faith, God will lead the way.
Why wish upon a star when you can pray to the one who created them. He created the heavens and the earth, he has so much more in store for you.
What are your hidden dreams?
Only real champions (win or loose) and people of character and strength keep going past the point of wanting to give up.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
When you are a little girl, at least I know for me you dream of the day you get to be that beautiful bride. To be that princess for the day. To be like the beautiful Disney princesses we grew up watching or even Barbie as we dressed her up. When you go to a wedding everyone looks forward to seeing the bride for the first time. I remember even planning my own wedding it was a western theme but I was the princess, it was my moment to feel and be dressed like a princess, I had a tiara and everything.
What we need to know is that we are already royalty we are princes and princesses of an almighty King. We are children of God. You are a son/daughter of the King of Kings, the creator of the universe. You are highly thought of. You need to remember you may have herd the words from parents or someone that you aren't planned or were a mistake. Well guess what the creator of the universe He planned you. He made you with a purpose and a destiny, and he doesn't make mistakes. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
We have all looked in the mirror at some point and not like what we see, or wish God did something different. Well you need to know when we think that we are insulting Gods work. We are made in the image of God, and God doesn't make junk. You are Gods original masterpiece. You have nothing to prove because you are already approved by God. It's not that you are no longer dirty as you stand before God. What He did on our behalf does not make us spiritual neutral. Rather, He has made us righteous, and attractive. Those who cling to Jesus are beautiful to him.
Isaiah 61:10
I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall exalt in my God, for he has clothed me with garnets of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bride groom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
He makes us beautiful, even comparing us to a bride on her wedding day. Let this sink in: God uses that picture to describe how attractive we are to him. Even on that day you feel like there is nothing attractive about you, you have a Heavenly Father who still thinks highly of you and thinks your are attractive. He made us that beautiful. It's hard to imagine the creator of the universe looking at us with that kind of fondness. Some of us are over joyed just to know that he doesn't hate us! So it's a real struggle to believe that we are stunningly beautiful to Him. It's nothing we did, Jesus took away all of our ugliness at the cross. Once Jesus wiped away sin by dying on the cross for us then our "ugliness" went with it. When we believe and let it in our hearts all that God has called us and has for us, all that beauty and Joy shines right through us. Heavens beauty is a beauty like no other. When we have the Joy of the Lord, heavens Joy is an unexplainable Joy.
It really opened my eyes when pastor Francis Chan, related sin to ugly. In Song of Songs 4:7 is states that we are beautiful and that there is no flaw in you. Let that one sink in that the word of God sees you as beautiful and flawless and Jesus dying on the cross made sure of that.
Your primary source of affection and attention should be God, and your sense of belonging should come from him. As we become familiar with the truth of God, we are able to identify the lies of the enemy. It is important that every believer be able to identify the real thing when it comes to the promises of God and what he says about his children. One of the highest priorities is to be led by what God says about me above everything else
You are Beautiful, You are His Masterpiece, You are His Workmanship, You are Unique, You are Royalty, You are Worth more than Silver and Gold, You are More than the Clothes and Makeup you wear. Be nobody but YOU, the YOU God Created YOU to Be!
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
It is important to know you have value. You are more precious than rubies, it even says so in the word of God. When you have thoughts like you aren't worth it or you don't like what you see in the mirror know that the creator of the universe is pleased and he doesn't make mistakes. You are made in his image. The value you have in knowing who you are in Christ and you were created to be is of utmost importance; it will help you navigate the course of your life. Jesus died for you because we cost something, you have value. We are of value to Him! If Jesus paid a price so we could be made whole, then it is important to remember that it was a price dying for on the cross because we have value.
How many people do you know would die for you, because they thought you were worth it?
You can not pay a price a for something that does not have value. I am a horse girl and love them, it is where I can truly let loose and connect to God. Well this past December I bought my very first horse. I decided he had value and was worth the asking price of $600. I am agreeing that he has value and that I was willing to pay the price. Its the same when you are shopping and you are willing to pay the price for the clothes you are there to buy. In the same way Jesus was headed to the cross, he agreed that the price he was paying was equivalent to the value he was dying for.
You are Gods Masterpiece, You have Value, You are Loved, and You are Worthy, You were made with a Purpose and a Destiny!!
Genesis 1:31
The God saw everything that he had made and indeed it was very good.
How many people do you know would die for you, because they thought you were worth it?
You can not pay a price a for something that does not have value. I am a horse girl and love them, it is where I can truly let loose and connect to God. Well this past December I bought my very first horse. I decided he had value and was worth the asking price of $600. I am agreeing that he has value and that I was willing to pay the price. Its the same when you are shopping and you are willing to pay the price for the clothes you are there to buy. In the same way Jesus was headed to the cross, he agreed that the price he was paying was equivalent to the value he was dying for.
You are Gods Masterpiece, You have Value, You are Loved, and You are Worthy, You were made with a Purpose and a Destiny!!
Genesis 1:31
The God saw everything that he had made and indeed it was very good.
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