I know it has been a couple months since the last blog post. I had an accident in the summer where I shattered my elbow.
Well now to my post of something that has been on my heart.
I have been thinking about this statement "I will pray for you". I have been thinking about how many people when they say these words actually take the minute to pray? Or is it just that it has become the right thing to say to people or situations. When someone is hurt, ill, wants to pass an exam....
Will you actually take that moment to pray for them.
How many of you have put those thoughts or negative comments in to your prayers. Let's turn our complaints into action packed prayers.
With all that is going on in Paris and around the world and the hashtag #Pray4Paris started trending. How many of us stopped to pray when we tweeted or retweeeted?
God called us to prayer, and called us to be people of our word.
Word Give, Word Kept.
Bring action to our faith.
We are to be the light of the world, not just say what's right or follow what's trending but doers of the word. Being light in the world is about showing people how to live with Jesus as King.
Matthew 18:20
For where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.
If we were all to stop with God fearing pursuit, full faith no doubt pray for what's going on in the world, pray for our enemies and love our neighbours; just imagine what God can do.
Light outweighs the Darkness!
Let's be the radical prayer warriors we were called to be, the light of the world. Take that moment to mean the words we say or type and pray for those around us before it becomes empty words with no meaning.